Thursday, May 5, 2016

Data Backups & Recovery; What to Look For

Local, On-site, Off-site, Cloud-based, Business Continuity....

These are all terms for various types of data backups. And if you search online for data backups, the list becomes long and arduous. So how do you determine what is best for your business?

Local & On-site Data Backups

This is exactly what it sounds like.  Your data is being backed up at your location, possibly on your server as a Windows backup, on a magnetic tape, or on an external drive.  This is typically a more affordable method, internet is not required, and will give you immediate access to your data from your location. However, it does have its downfalls.  On the chance that disaster occurs at your location, your data could be inaccessible from a remote location or even worse, destroyed.

Off-site, Cloud-based Data Backups

This method of backup does require internet as your data is stored away from your location.  This can be seen as both a fault and an advantage.  Unlike local backups, if disaster was to occur at your location, you can rest assured that your data will be safe from fires and floods.  You also have the ability to gain access to your data from remote locations.  For some customers, this ability alone is a deciding factor. The disadvantage of course is cost.  Typically off-site backups are more expensive than on-site and are usually subscription based.

So What is Business Continuity?

Business Continuity is the relative "new kid on the block".  The focus here is not on recovering data after a disaster, but continuing to access it during a disaster.  This method can be virtualized quickly both on and off-site, allowing your business to keep functioning and saving you costs by eliminating the normal down-time.

Again, the disadvantage might be seen as higher costs, but if you weigh it against the advantages, it may be worth considering for your business.

What Method is Best?

That really depends on your business.  Disasters are something we do not like to think about.  For us at CMS, it is always on our mind, especially with hurricane season less than a month away and the recent flooding in Texas.  It reminds us that things can go wrong, and it's not always a natural disaster.  Ransomware has grown exponentially in the past few years, and with your network files encrypted, a secure backup may be the only thing to protect your business and your investment.

Find someone you trust, give us a call at CMS.  We will help you look at your data and determine your needs.  From there, we can assist you in finding the method to work best within your budget and still accomplish your goals.  If you would like a little more information on Business Continuity, you can visit our website to read more.

**For all our readers along the coast, June 1 begins Hurricane Season.  Visit to get ready.

Monday, February 8, 2016

The 2015 Annual List of the Worst Passwords

Sorry Star Wars Fans, But You Just May Need to Change your Password.

It’s that time of the year again. SplashData releases its 5th annual report of the most commonly used passwords in order to highlight the insecure password habits of Internet users.

The purpose of this list is to encourage users to become more conscience of Internet security and the threat of stolen passwords. Using weak passwords puts the user at risk for hacking and identity theft.

Here are the top 25 worst passwords that made it onto the annual list:
  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. 12345
  6. 123456789
  7. football
  8. 1234
  9. 1234567
  10. baseball
  11. welcome
  12. 1234567890
  13. abc123
  14. 111111
  15. 1qaz2wsx
  16. dragon
  17. master
  18. monkey
  19. letmein
  20. login
  21. princess
  22. qwertyuiop
  23. solo
  24. passw0rd
  25. starwars

Numerical sequences have taken several spots on the 2015 list, along with keys that are in order on the keyboard, such as qwerty & 1qaz2wsx. Of course, pop references are always a hit and this year was about Star Wars, but even The Force can’t protect you from malware.

Longer keywords did appear, but using a longer password does not add security if the password is simple or has a detectable pattern.

The thing we want you to remember is that the list above was compiled from passwords that were compromised and leaked this past year, so they have already proven to be “hackable”.  If you would care for a downloadable PDF document with the passwords and security tips from SplashData, you can safely download it from CMS.